Identity Design_Fall2018
Project One: Style
single line drawings
geometric/ circle drawings
scribble drawings
mosaic/ shape drawing
typographic drawing
fabric/collage drawings
 The purpose of this project was to choose three animals that correlates to each other and create unique logos out of them. In doing so, I thought of the shark, fish, and turtle.

Using six different design methods, we were instructed to create something that makes it our own. The six methods are single line drawing, geometric/circle, scribble, mosaic/shapes, typographic, and fabric/collage. 

I began to work in my sketchbook to acquire designs that came to mind after browsing the web. After, I uploaded those sketches into Illustrator and began to work on a new layer. I used the pen tool to trace each of my drawings so that they acquire a more precise and clear look. On the scribble and typographic drawings, I used the live trace tool. Then, I made them vectors and went in to clean them up a bit while still obtaining my unique style. Afterwards, I decided to add color to some of the designs to make things a little more spiced up.

I, then, added each of the designs separate and created the post you are now reading. I learned that time is of value when working with such a quick project. Do not hesitate to try new ideas and accept being different is not a bad thing. One must be fully open here in this project. One way might be quick and swift but there are other ways that may take a little more time. Just stick to your own style.

Style KiKi Smith

Style KiKi Smith
